The evening“A Dinner with the Stars”,held in the premises of Villa Eubea in Pozzuoli (Na) is the first of a series of traveling events that Aspi (Italian Professional Sommellerie Association) and Euro-Toques will organize together to promote high sommellerie and high catering.
The one staged for “A Dinner with the Stars” is a clear example of the gastronomic experience that Aspi and Euro-Toques intend to propose: five Italian chefs at work with their culinary creations: Angelo Carannanteof Caracol di Bacoli (Na), Paolo Gramaglia of the President of Pompeii and the newly inaugurated Garò by Paolo Gramaglia of Naples, Giuseppe Mancino of The Little Prince of Viareggio (Lu), Viviana Varese,the soul of the VIVA in Milan, and Matteo Sangiovanni,executive chef at Tre Olivi at the Savoy Beach Club in Paestum